BOSS ( In memory of Shuang )

Created by Lanbin Lv 11 years ago
As we all know, Toastmaster has 4 Taboos. Guess what will be 5th taboo?The answer will probably be BOSS. B-O-S-S, Yes. Boss is closely related to Politics. before it may become a real taboo, I will talk about it, about My experience and understanding of BOSS. Do you have a BOSS ? 90% people say. YES; Do you like your boss ? 10% people say YES. Boss is always the one who make command & Control with poke face. only Smile to you when” Luxi, Can you pls overtime again this weekend ? ”. And Boss is always right only apologize when “ Sorry, Maps. There is no salary increase this year, keep your hard working .. “ Most People “Dislike” Boss, but want to be them, So was I. Because, The business card with Manager title was so attractive like: Zhang san manager, Li si director, Wang laowu president. Out of Company, You can show off to others as a brand in the society.. Inside the company, Boss can have a so-big seat, so-big phone. In the meeting they put speaker on in the call with foreigners. In one word, “ Cool ”, In 2 word “ So Cool ”. I looked at boss with admiration. When Boss called me to his desk, I usually held my breath sitting in front of him/her. And thought to myself “ Did I do something wrong ? ” How to become a BOSS ? hard-working. I worked hard, while chance is in GOD’s pocket, while BOSS decide give it to whom, what you can do is keep hard working.. Waiting.. 8 years ago, My boss called me “ Do you want to be a leader, there is chance… ” . I said Ok, and then forgot all rest he was talking about. That day, I told my girlfriend,” you are marrying a manager ”.. To be honest, I was only a Little Little leader in a big big Company. Sitting on same seat, with same phone by the way. But I soon found even a small leader is not easy. The first hard lesson is to “ Be professional ”. Follow the process, push people hard and reach the target, at any cost. One day, when I push hard with command as before to project member. We had a quarrel. Later I found his work was impacted by family life. He just broke off with girl-friend. This gave me a hard lesson. When I recalled how I did when I lost my girl friend. I even admired him, he could still come to office and work…. I found myself more treated people as machine not as human being, in the name of manager. Later I kept more communication with team members. And Good news is: we can make work done and people fine. 3 years Ago, I was promoted to senior manager. I had no big problem Communicating with my team members, but still had problem with Big boss. Big boss make big decision, has big Overview, Speak with big voice in front of big crowd. That is the Image of BIG BOSS. until some day, I met a guy. The first letter I wrote to him is quite brutal. “ How can you be so stupid Blar, blar .. ? ”. I am over - professional sometimes with power & position. 3 months later This Guy became my boss’s boss. Oh my God, I am the dead meat. Nothing happened, until one day he asked me to his office. This is first time I talked with him face to face. His voice is low and speaks slow. But to my big surprise, He is quick in thinking Keen in listening and wise in questioning. That day he coached me How to See big picture, and how to be more proactive in decent manner. Luckily He became my mentor later. One small thing I never forget about him. He was requested to make a speech about team building, I took the camera, and he faced the camera and made prompt speech.. I was shocked as a toastmaster club officer. He never joined our toastmaster meeting.. On Jan.8th this year, this gentleman passed away due to disease, at age of 48. Because he had worked too hard from young age. On the funeral, I saw hundreds of people from different department, Different cities, different Industries. I saw tears and weeps there. I asked myself. Is he a boss? A collegegue, or a friend? He is human being who lived and worked according his own belief, Grow the people to grow business. I don’t want turn my speech to a sad story, since this guy is humorous and optimistic. his name is not mentioned, since he always keep low profile of himself although he has national honor & prize. He showed me What a Boss can be, A boss can lead with chrisma in stead of Command and Control.
